12 luglio 2012

Highest Point in Albania 7/2012 from The Biking the Balkans team, Nje grup turistash perbere nga 4 persona, udhetojne me bicikletat e tyre ne gjith ballkanin duke kaluar dhe permes shqiperis,Albania


Informazioni su BikingtheBalkans's channel

The Biking the Balkans team is made up of 4 Americans seeking thrills, memories, and adventures on a cycling journey through Eastern Europe while raising awareness for impoverished children in North Korea. Formerly English teachers in South Korea, they developed a love of outdoor adventures and activities cycling the Korean countryside on weekends whenever they had a chance. Inspired by the efforts of their teammate Katie and friends in Korea who completed a 6 month journey from Beijing to London, the four began making a plan to cycle for charity in September of 2011.
By the time the plan was fully formed, they were looking at a far greater task than what was first expected. What started as a short week long trip from Istanbul to Izmir turned into a 3 month, 5,000km trek through the Balkans. From Istanbul, Turkey through 13 countries in Eastern Europe, they hope to battle the elements and mountains as they cross into areas they never dreamed of visiting.

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